Friday, May 18, 2007

Space-Time Coding

The spectral efficiencies of traditional wireless systems range between 1-5bps/sec/Hz but by using space-time techniques spectral efficiencies of 20-40bps/sec/Hz have been possible. Hence, space-time coding enables an increase in capacity by an order of magnitude. This is the main reason why space-time codes have been included in the standards for the third generation wireless communication systems and ultimately why Space-time Coding will be in great demand by individuals within industry and academia.
The comprehensive understanding of space-time coding is essential in the implementation of 3G, and as the only title currently available, Space-Time Coding will be the standard text for Researchers, telecommunication engineers and network planners, academics and undergraduate/postgraduate students, telecommunications managers and consultants.
download this book
perhatian: waktu download...waiting time account ya...habis itu click download pada page tersebut...met coba aja ya..

Raman Amplification in Fiber Optical Communication Systems

Optical fiber telecommunications depend upon light traveling great distances through optical fibers. As light travels it tends to disperse and this results in some degree of signal loss. Raman amplification is a technique that is effective in any fiber to amplify the signal light as it travels through transmission fibers, compensating for inevitable signal loss.
perhatian: waktu download...waiting time account ya...habis itu click download pada page tersebut...met coba aja ya..

Introduction to Telecommunications Network Engineering

More than ever, executives of telecommunications and data networking companies must be technology sawy, data network engineers must be knowledgeable of an ever growing array of telecom technologies, and telecom engineers must understand the workings of such traditional data communications technologies as the Internet Protocol (IP). These networking professionals all can turn to this comprehensive, newly revised introduction to telecom and data communications for a clear and succinct explanation of the networking essentials they need to know. This second edition has been thoroughly updated to explain recent market and technological advances that are bringing about the integration of telecom networks and the Internet. It provides the latest on such cutting-edge technologies as dense wave division multiplexing (DWDM), wireless local area networks, and third generation (3G) cellular systems. An introduction to the ever-growing and interrelated array of telecom and data communications technologies. It takes the reader from the protocols and operation of the Internet (IP, TCP, HTTP) and its access systems such as ADSL and GSM to the basics of transmission and switching.
perhatian: waktu download...waiting time account ya...habis itu click download pada page tersebut...met coba aja ya..

RF Electronic

electronic untuk radio frequency ya....maksudnya elektronika untuk frequency tinggi..

disini downloadnya:
-. Op Amps for Everyone Design Guide
-. Designing Analog Chips
-. Wireless Networking in the Developing World
-. XYZs of Oscilloscopes
-. RF Basics

Mobile celluler communication

mobile comm....udah taulah...

bahan yang ada:
*. Dari bpk.Nachwan muhti..
-. Pendahuluan (siskomber 1)
-. Dasar Sistem Komunikasi Digital
-. Sistem Komunikasi Seluler
-. Analisis Lintasan Sinyal dan Interferensi
-. Propagasi Pada Kanal Fading Komunikasi Bergerak
-. Fading Mitigation
-. Metoda Prediksi Redaman Propagasi
-. Kanalisasi
-. Mobile Teletraffic Engineering
-. Cell Planning
-. Study Case : CDMA2000 1x Network Planning
-. Pengenalan Sistem Komunikasi Bergerak(siskomber2)
-. Large Scale Fading
-. Small Scale Fading : Bagian 1
-. Small Scale Fading : Bagian 2
-. Fading Mitigation
-. Cell Site Design
-. Protokol dan Manajemen Komunikasi
-. Pengenalan Jaringan GSM/GPRS
-. Pengenalan Jaringan CDMA2000 1x
-. Perencanaan Jaringan Selular : Bagian 1
-. Perencanaan Jaringan Selular : Bagian 2

file-file yang mendukung lainnya:
-. Channel Assignment Schemes for Cellular Mobile Telecommunication Systems - A Comprehensive Survey
-. Handoff Study In Cellular Network
-. Digital Modulation in Communications Systems – An Introduction
-. Teletraffic Issues Related to Channel Allocation in Digital Mobile Cellular Networks
-. New Call Blocking Vs Handoff Blocking in Cellular Network
-. Vehicular Traffic Influence on the Propagation and Handoff Characteristics of a CDMA System for PCS in an Urban Environment
-. Scheduling Arrivals to Queues for Minimum Average Blocking: the S(n)/M/C/C system
-. Capacity Planning

*. Dari bpk. UKU
-. CDMA 2000 NEW.ppt
-. CDMA 2000.ppt
-. GSM Fundamental-UKU.ppt
-. 13-14-MJI_Perencanaan Jaringan Seluler.ppt
-. Aplikasi TRAFIK CDMA.doc
-. Basic Call Set Up pada GSM.ppt
-. Channel structure 1xEV.ppt
-. Konsep Dasar Perencanaan.doc
-. Modul-CDMA-Planning-ALI.doc
-. OMA000003 GSM Communication Flow ISSUE2.0.ppt
-. Parameter Trafik.ppt
-. Tambahan Trafik GSM&CDMA.ppt
-. Tambahan plan.ppt
-. chapter trafik siskomber.ppt
-. 7-MJI_cp VII antena & cell site.PPT
-. Extra Small Scale Fading.ppt
-. Indoor Propagation.ppt
-. Model Rugi-Rugi Propogasi.ppt
-. Propagasi model.ppt
-. Propagation, Fading, Link Budgets & Coverage.pdf
-. SAP-SISKOMBER_material.xls
-. Tambahan Small scale fading.ppt
-. Tambahan propopagasi.ppt
-. presentasi CDMA.ppt
-. siskomber2(S1 )/

RADAR fundamentals & design

Amplifier design

RF Filter..

Filter tau kan???
sama aja buat saringan santen ibu2x..he2x...

dibawah ini ada e-book ya..:
-. Sallen-Key Low Pass Filter Design Routine
-. Band-Pass Filters for HF Transceivers
-. A Diode-Switched Band-Pass Filter
-. Second-Harmonic-Optimized Low-Pass Filters
-. Narrow Band-Pass Filters for HF
-. Clean Up Your Signals with Band-Pass Filters (part 1)
-. Clean Up Your Signals with Band-Pass Filters (part 2)
-. Introduction to RF Filter Design
-. RF Filter Design
-. Introduction, definition of RF Filter terms, Q&As

Spectral & signal analysis

temen-temen pasti udah taulah Spectral & signal analysis...

ok...dibawah ini banyak nih E-booknya:
-. Spectral Analysis
-. The Fundamentals of FFT-Based Signal Analysis and Measurement
-. Fundamentals of Signal Analysis
-. Fundamentals of Real-Time Spectrum Analysis




Noise meupakan penggangu yang harus dibasmi ya...

dibawah ini ada e-book bagus tentang noise:
-. Noise tutorial
-. Phase noise
-. Noise Matching
-. Random Noise Contribution to Timing Jitter—Theory and Practice

RF Measurment..

dibawah ini cara-cara pengukuran Radio frequency...

silahkan download ya....
-. Perform More Effective RF Measurements Using Vector Analysis
-. Understanding the Fundamental Principles of Vector Network Analysis
-. Calculating the Sensitivity of an ASK Receiver
-. Phase-Noise Profiles Aid System Testing
-. Three Methods of Noise Figure Measurement
-. Specifications and Measurement of Local Oscillator Noise in Integrated Circuit Base Station Mixers
-. Basic Equipment Design Tutorial
-. Smith chart tutorial (part 1)
-. Smith chart tutorial (part 2)
-. Smith chart tutorial (part 3)
-. Spectrum Analyzer Measurements and Noise
-. How to build your own RF Spectrum analyzer (part 1)
-. How to build your own RF Spectrum analyzer (part 2)

Antenna dan antenna

Temen-temen....lanjut lagi ya...
kita masuk lagi nih..buat bagian antenna dan propagasi

silahkan download ya...:
-. Antenna Fundamentals
-. Antenna fundamentals (another version)
-. Antenna basics
-. Antenna System Guide
-. Antenna fundamentals & definitions
-. EMC Antenna Fundamentals
-. Micro-strip Patch Antenna Primer
-. Why Antennas Radiate

untuk versi indonesia....
*. Dosen STT Telkom...bpk. Nachwan Muhti.
-. over view
-. Konsep Dasar Antena
-. Impedansi Antena
-. Susunan Antena
-. Macam-Macam Antena (1)
-. Macam-Macam Antena (2)
-. Macam-Macam Antena (3)
-. Pengukuran Antena

Modul propagasi gelombang:
-. Pendahuluan
-. Gelombang Ruang dan Gelombang Ruang Bebas
-. Gelombang Langit
-. Difraksi dan Komunikasi Troposfer
-. Groundwave

Radio Frequency fundamental...

temen-temen dibawah ini banyak E-book tentang RF......
silahkan download aja ya...
ga ada yang bahasa indonesia.....tunggu aja ya..nanti aku bikin...he2x...

list of RF overview
-. RF Basics
-. RF Basics (another version)
-. Understanding Radio for the Practical Engineer (part 1)
-. Understanding Radio for the Practical Engineer (part 2)
-. Understanding Radio for the Practical Engineer (part 3)
-. Wireless Networking in the Developing World
-. Fundamentals of RF and Microwave Power Measurements (very good book)
-. The RF and Microwave Circuit Design Cookbook
-. The Design of the Radio Frequency (RF) Subsystem Printed Circuit Boards for the Petite Amateur Navy Satellite (PANSAT)
-. Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit Design

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Medan Elektromagnetika....

medan elektromagnetika atau teori medan....wah2x matakuliah yang sangat memusingkan....he2x...

jangan khawatir temen2x...asalkan kamu rajin belajar,baca buku,...dan juga latihan soal..aku jamin dech kamu bakalan bisa...

Silahkan download E-book untuk medan elegtromagnetika...
A. Sumber dari dosen indonesia:
*.STT Telkom....oleh bpk. Heroe Widjanto
-. Daftar isi
-. Analisa Vektor
-. Persamaan Maxwell
-. Propagasi gelombang
-. Saluran Transmisi
-. Wave guide rectangular dan wave guide circular
-. Radiasi Gelombang
-. Soal-soal latihan...

*. STT Telkom....oleh bpk. Nachwan Muhti...
-. Elegtromagnetika 1 pendahuluan...
-. Analisis Vektor dan Fasor
-. Pendahuluan (medan elegtromagnetika 2)
-. Medan berubah terhadap waktu dan persamaan Maxwell
-. Gelombang datar serbasama
-. Gelombang datar lintas medium
-. Saluran transmisi
-. Bumbung gelombang
-. Bumbung gelombang sirkular
-. Radiasi gelombang elektromagnetik

*. STT Telkom....oleh bpk. Koredianto Usman
-. Perambatan Gelombang datar udara bebas
-. Perambatan Gelombang datar dalam Lossy Dielectrics
-. Wave Propagation in Lossy Dielectrics
-. Poynting Vector
-. Boundary Value Problem
-. Poisson and Laplace Equation

B. Bahasa english
-. Electromagnetics
-. Fundamentals of Electromagnetics
-. Health and electromagnetic fields
-. Electricity and Magnetism (part 1)
-. Electricity and Magnetism (part 2)
-. Electricity and Magnetism (part 3)
-. Electricity and Magnetism (part 4)
-. Electricity and Magnetism (part 5)

satu buku elegtromagnetika dan antenna:
-. Cover book
-. Ch.1: Maxwell's Equations
-. Ch.2: Uniform Plane Waves
-. Ch.3: Propagation in Birefringent Media
-. Ch.4: Reflection and Transmission
-. Ch.5: Multilayer Structures
-. Ch.6: Oblique Incidence
-. Ch.7: Multilayer Film Applications
-. Ch.8: Waveguides
-. Ch.9: Transmission Lines
-. Ch.10: Coupled Lines
-. Ch.11: Impedance Matching
-. Ch.12: S-Parameters
-. Ch.13: Radiation Fields
-. Ch.14: Transmitting and Receiving Antennas
-. Ch.15: Linear and Loop Antennas
-. Ch.16: Radiation from Apertures
-. Ch.17: Aperture Antennas
-. Ch.18: Antenna Arrays
-. Ch.19: Array Design Methods
-. Ch.20: Currents on Linear Antennas
-. Ch.21: Coupled Antennas
-. Appendices
-. References
-. Index

Monday, May 14, 2007

blogger aku...

aku sebenarnya kurang bisa untuk menulis.....
cuman aku paksakan wae...he-he....masalahnya aku pengen nulis sih akhir-akhir ini..
tulisan aku mungkin banyakkan tentang keluarga RF(Radio Frequency).......

apa itu Radio Frequency (RF)......
Radio frequency banyak arti dan makna yang ada. Misalkan saja pengertian RF bagi orang perancang elektronika berbeda dengan optimasi jaringan telekomunikasi...dll.
Namun yang utama dari pengertian RF merupakan perubahan frequency informasi kedalam frequency yang akan ditransmisikan.Menurrut aku nih....RF itu masuk kedalam fungsi pensynthesaan frequency......
Nah klo udah ngomongin RF tuh....kita siap-siap untuk mempelajari ilmu-ilmu:
a. Matematika
b. Fisika
c. Saluran transmisi
d. Antena dan propagasi
e. Elektronika telekomunikasi
f. Rekayasa radio
g. Gelombang mikro

oh ya nih.....untuk point a dan b ( Fisika dan Matematika), itu kebanyakan mengenai toolsnya cara menghitung dan menganalisa dasar kejadiannya.
jadi mungkin aku akan menulis - menulis dalam blog aku ini dari point a sampai point c sampai g( Saluran transmisi sampai Gelombang mikro)..

namun tulisan aku nih..terbatas sekali loh...jadi jangan kaget..dan klo temen2x mau share dan koreksi...aku terimakasih banget...

salam kenal...

Saturday, May 12, 2007

awal bikin blog

yah......bikin blog..baru latihan aja. nanti klo udah terbiasa ya udah enak dech.oleh karena itu masih pusing mau dibikin seperti apa bos??
yah namanya belum ada pengalaman blogg..

awalnya udah lama sih temen2x pada bikin blogg.....tapi saking malesnya pernah bikin blog sendiri......he2x.
Rencananya aku pengen ngisi apa aja kegiatan aku...doakan aja ya....moga sukses...